學會簡介 About TERA



成立 Established


活動 Activities


參與者 Participants


為了提升台灣國際能見度,促進國際學術交流,台灣教育研究學會(Taiwan Education Research Association, TERA)歷經數月的籌辦,邀集國內教育相關領域學者及教育實務工作者,於2009年7月14日成立本會。

To enhance the international visibility of Taiwan and promote international academic exchanges, the Taiwan Education Research Association (TERA) was established on July 14, 2009, after months of preparation and under the witness of invited scholars and practitioners in education-related fields in Taiwan.


The first president of TERA, Prof. Ying-Yao Cheng, is currently the Minister of Education of Taiwan. His distinguished career includes serving as a Professor at the Institute of Education, the President of the National Sun Yat-sen University, the Director General of the Kaohsiung Education Bureau, the Vice President of Student Affairs of the National Sun Yat-sen University, the Dean of the College of Social Sciences, the Director of the Center for General Education, the Chair of the Institute of Education, and the Director of the Center for Teacher Education among other prominent positions. Prof. Cheng’s extensive administrative and academic background equips him to effectively integrate government and academic resources, ensuring the successful organization of the conferences."

International Exchanges

2009年9月26日至27日,本學會首屆理事長鄭英耀教授與秘書長莊雪華副教授及常務監事郭志文教授,代表本會至奧地利維也納大學,出席世界教育研究學會(World Education Research Association, WERA)第一屆理監會議(First WERA Council in Vienna),並於29日參與正式成立大會及論壇活動,加入世界教育研究學會,正式成為世界教育研究學會(WERA)創始會員,藉由此次積極地參與會議的機會,以宣傳本會、發揚本會理念,以及實踐上述本會之宗旨外,期望未來TERA與WERA接軌,帶動學術交流。

On September 26-27, 2009, the first president of TERA, Prof. Ying-Yao Cheng, together with the Secretary-General, Prof. Hsueh-Hua Chuang, and the Managing Director, Prof. Chi-Wen Kuo, represented TERA to attend the first World Education Research Association (WERA) Council in Vienna. On the 29th, TERA joined the World Education Research Association (WERA) as a founding member by participating in the official inaugural meeting and forum activities, and by taking the opportunity to actively participate in the meeting to promote the Association, disseminate the Association's philosophy, and to fulfill the missions of the Association. We hope that in the future, TERA and WERA will continue to collaborate to promote academic exchange.


To enhance academic exchanges and establish a platform for educational research

To facilitate academic discourse through conferences, seminars, and publications

To disseminate educational research outcomes and practices and to upgrade education quality

To actively participate in the formation and operation of international education-related associations, such as "World Education Research Association, WERA"

To function as a channel for international exchanges in education research and to promote global cooperation among educational research communities

Professor, Institute of Education of National Sun Yat-sen University

Minister, Ministry of Education

Professor, Institute of Education of National Sun Yat-sen University

Professor, Institute of Education of National Sun Yat-sen University.